How can I download the Conference Guide Mobile App?
When can I pick up my conference badge?
Where can I find the practical information about the oral sessions in KOG Building?
Can I share my posters and presentations slides to increase the visibility of my presentation?
Where can I find the practical information for the Poster sessions?
What is the format for the poster to present my poster session?
What is the duration of the long and short oral presentations?
What is included in the conference ticket?
Is there a phone number availabe during the conference for urgent matters?
Is there also an accompanying person activity organized?
Where can I rent a bike in Leiden?
When is the final registration to participate?
When is the final date to register for the excursions?
Can I get an invoice or pro-forma to pay by bank transfer?
Where can I find the conference terms and conditions including the cancellation policy?
What to do when I signed up with the wrong name?

Mrs Wendy van der Ende
Frequently Asked Questions
Copyright © 2025 ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology
Crealisatie: The MindOffice