JULY 2-5 2023


Thank you everyone

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for making the ISIE2023 conference in Leiden a fantastic event. With over 850 passionate individuals from around the world, we made waves!

The conference celebrated the power of Industrial Ecology in finding science-based solutions for sustainability problems. We, scientists, need to stick together and work towards a better future in this turbulent world. 

You can download presentations of the participants that uploaded them from the ExOrdo conference program, and the final version of the conference proceedings will soon be available on the conference website.

We deeply appreciate your presence, engagement, and insightful discussions. The energy and enthusiasm in the conference rooms were inspiring, as bright minds tackled the pressing challenges of our time. 

Looking ahead, the 12th biennial conference of ISIE is planned to be held in vibrant Singapore in two years. Imagine the amazing experiences and connections we'll make in that dynamic city! We can't wait to see you there, ready to push the boundaries of industrial ecology and have a blast.

Once again, thank you for making the 11th ISIE Conference unforgettable. Let's keep collaborating, innovating, and inspiring one another as we pave the way for a more sustainable world.

If you have any questions please contact us at isie2023@crawfield.nl  This email address will be available until 31 August 2023.

With kind regards,

Tomer Fishman and René Kleijn, co-chairs

And the entire ISIE2023 Conference organizing committee

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Mrs Wendy van der Ende
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Copyright © 2025 ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology
Crealisatie: The MindOffice